“Prompt-delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy with AGATA, EXOGAM and VAMOS++”.
Kim, Y. H., Lemasson, A., Rejmund, M., Navin, A., Biswas, S., Michelagnoli, C., Stefan, I., Banik, R., Bednarczyk, P., Bhattacharya, S., Bhattacharyya, S., Clément, E., Crawford, H. L., de France, G., Fallon, P., Goupil, J., Jacquot, B., Li, H. J., Ljungvall, J., Macchiavelli, A. O., Maj, A., Ménager, L., Morel, V., Palit, R., Pérez-Vidal, R. M., Ropert, J., and Schmitt, C. The European Physical Journal A 53, 162 (2017).