A new forum i being developed to help people regarding AGATA data analysis, software installation, grid processing, etc.This forum will be a dedicated place for any question related to these topics. Link to the forum:
New website design
A new design for the AGATA website is in progress.
17th AGATA Week and 1st PSeGe Workshop
The 17th AGATA Week and the 1st Position Sensitive Germanium Detectors (PSeGe) technology and application Workshop will be held at CSNSM and IPNO Orsay, 3rd - 7th October 2016. For registration and further information, please click here.
1st AGATA-GRETINA collaboration meeting
The first AGATA-GRETINA collaboration meeting will be held from the 5th to the 7th of December 2016 at ANL (Argonne National Laboratory), USA. For registration and further information, please click here.
AGATA technical publication on the EPJA cover page
An AGATA technical publication (DOI) from the groups at Universität zu Köln and Technische Universität München was selected for the cover page of EPJA Vol 53/2 2017.
NUSPIN 2017 Workshop and Annual AGATA Collaboration Meeting
The second workshop of the Nuclear Spectroscopy Instrumentation Network of ENSAR2, NUSPIN 2017, will be held at GSI in Darmstadt, Germany, 26-29 June 2017. The workshop will host the Annual AGATA Collaboration Meeting Thursday 29th June 2017. Meetings of the NUSPIN Scientific Committee and the Working Groups will also take place during this week. The circulars with the announcements of the workshop can be downloaded below.
For registration and further information please visit the workshop website: http://indico.gsi.de/event/nuspin2017.
18th AGATA Week and 2nd PSeGe Workshop
The website for the 18th AGATA Week and the 2nd PSeGe Workshop is now available: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/14457/overview.
AGATA-VAMOS Data Analysis Workshop
GANIL, 16-18 January 2018
For further information about this workshop, please contact Emmanuel Clément.
AGATA@GANIL Pre-PAC Workshop 2018
GANIL, 7-9 February 2018
Dear Colleagues,
Please find in attachment the Second Circular of the AGATA@GANIL Pre-PAC Workshop 2018. The registration is open at the webpage: https://agataprepac.sciencesconf.org/. The deadline is February 1st.
We look forward to seeing you in GANIL. With our best wishes for 2018!
Silvia Lenzi and Emmanuel Clement
NUSTAR Annual Meeting 2018
GSI, 26 February - 2 March 2018
Dear colleagues,
we would like to announce the NUSTAR Annual Meeting 2018 to be held at GSI February 26 - March 2, 2018. As usual the first two days will be dedicated to sub-collaboration meetings, while Wednesday to Friday we will have plenary sessions including the GENCO Award session on Thursday afternoon.
If you have not done already, please come back to us with your wishes for sub-collaboration or working-group meetings. We are also looking for suggestions of plenary speakers - just let us know or contact your sub-collaboration spokesperson.
In due time you will receive further information on the program and travel details. Please distribute this message to interested people you know.
We look forward to meeting you all at GSI!
Sincerely Yours,
Alexander Herlert
on behalf of the NUSTAR Board of Representatives, the NUSTAR at GSI group, and the NUSTAR management team
2nd AGATA-GRETINA collaboration meeting
Paris, France, 4-6 April 2018
The second AGATA-GRETINA collaboration meeting will be held from the 4th to the 6th of April 2018 in Paris, France. The second circular of the meeting is available below.
NUSPIN 2018 Workshop and AGATA Town Meeting
Valencia, Spain, June 25-29 2018
The 3rd Workshop of the Nuclear Spectroscopy Instrumentation Network of ENSAR2, NUSPIN 2018, will take place at IFIC Valencia in Spain, June 25-29 2018. The NUSPIN Workshop will host as well the AGATA Town Meeting, discussing the AGATA Science White Book for the 4π array June 28-29 2018.
Registration and abstract submission: http://indico.ific.uv.es/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?ovw=True&confId=3190
Zakopane 2018
Conference on Nuclear Physics - Extremes of Nuclear Landscapes
26 August - 2 September 2018, Zakopane, Poland
Conference website: https://zakopane2018.ifj.edu.pl/
19th AGATA Week and 3rd PSeGe Workshop
10-14 September 2018, IPHC Strasbourg
Dear collaborators,
This message is to announce that the registration in now opened for both the 19th AGATA week and the 3rd Position Sensitive Germanium Detectors (PSeGe)
technology and application Workshop.
The registration can be done in the web page for both events:
Both events, the AGATA week and the PSeGe workshop, will be held at IPHC from Monday 10th to Friday 14th September 2018.
Sessions are foreseen from Monday afternoon to Friday morning, i.e. four full days, therefore, please consider the extra time for travelling.
The meeting is being organized by our collaborators from IPHC, France and will be held in IPHC Grünewald amphitheatre located in building 25.
Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning will be devoted to the PSeGe workshop. PSeGe is a JRA within the ENSAR2 –EC- project, aiming to develop position
sensitive Ge detector technologies and to the demonstration of Ge detector imaging applications and associated detector technologies.
Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning will be devoted to the 19th AGATA week. For this part of the meeting, the program will include
reports from the regular working group and team meetings.
Please feel free to forward this message to your collaborators.
Best regards,
IPHC Local Organizers
The AGATA Management Board
The PSeGE Management Board
Workshop AGATA@LNL for stable beams
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to inform you that the second announcement of the "Workshop AGATA at LNL for stable beams" is available at this link https://agenda.infn.it/event/17315/attachments/59886/70706/AGATA_Second_announcement.pdf. The workshop will be held at INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Padova), Italy, from March 25 to 26, 2019.
Please, take notice that the deadline for abstract submission is March 1, 2019. Registration *is open until *March 10.
Further information is available on the conference website: http://agenda.infn.it/event/AGATA2019.
Please, contact us for any question.
Best regards
The Organizing Committee
NUSPIN Germanium Detector School
3-7 June 2019, University of Liverpool, UK
Under the framework of NUSPIN@ENSAR2 training activities there will be a Germanium Detector School hosted at the University of Liverpool from 3rd to 7th June 2019. The school is aimed at postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers and electronics engineers who are not experts in germanium detector systems. The school is a complementary activity to the recent Hands on Workshop on Test, Operation and Repair of detectors held at IKP Cologne in September 2018. The school will give an introduction to germanium detector systems and provide training in essential measurement techniques.
Topics include:
- Detector assembly
- Repair/Problem solving
- Annealing & Vacuum testing
- Performance Testing
- Custom Acceptance Testing
The website and registration page will be available shortly. ENSAR2 financial support is available to students, postdoctoral researchers and electronics engineers to help with their attendance at this school.
Andy Boston, on behalf of the local organising committee
NUSPIN 2019 Workshop and AGATA Collaboration Meeting
Dear All,
We would like to invite you to the NUSPIN 2019 workshop and the annual AGATA collaboration meeting, which will be held in Orsay, June 24-28 2019.
More information can be found in the first circular as well as on the workshop web site: https://nuspin2019.sciencesconf.org.
We look forward to seeing you in Orsay,
20th AGATA Week and 4th PSeGe Workshop
Registration Announcement
20th AGATA Week and 4th Position Sensitive Germanium Detectors and application Workshop
16th – 20th September 2019
Dear collaborators,
This message is to announce that in the web page
the registration is now opened for both the 20th AGATA week and the 4th Position Sensitive Germanium Detectors (PSeGe) technology and applications Workshop.
Both events, will be held at INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy from Monday 16th to Friday 20th September 2019 and are being organized by our collaborators from the Legnaro National Laboratory, INFN-Sezione di Padova and the University of Padova.
Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning will be devoted to the PSeGe workshop. PSeGe is a Joint Research Activity within the ENSAR2-Horizon2020 project, aiming to develop position sensitive Ge detector technologies and the demonstration of Ge detector imaging applications and associated detector technologies.
Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday and Thursday will be devoted to the 20th AGATA week. For this part of the meeting, the program will include reports from the regular working group and team meetings.
We encourage the participants to register as soon as possible to facilitate the organization.
Please, feel free to forward this message to your collaborators.
Looking forward to seeing you in Padova.
INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, INFN Sezione di Padova and** University of Padova Local Organizers
The AGATA Management Board
The PSeGe Management Board
3rd AGATA-GRETINA collaboration meeting
The third AGATA-GRETINA collaboration meeting will take place 2-4 October 2019 at ANL, USA. Link to the meeting website with program, registration, etc:
AGATA@GANIL Pre-PAC Workshop 2020
The next (and last) pre-PAC meeting of the AGATA at GANIL campaign will be held on 19-20 March 2020. The goal of this workshop is to discuss the physics cases and to assess the feasibility of proposals to be submitted to the forthcoming GANIL PAC. The call is for VAMOS + AGATA without MAJOR ancillary such as MUGAST or NEDA. The use of other ancillary detectors is feasible. The experiments will run in 2021.
For further information please contact Zsolt Podolyák and Emmanuel Clément.
Progress of the AGATA Installation at LNL
From Roberto Menegazzo and Jose Javier Valiente Dobon at LNL:
Today we just finished the mounting of the first three ATCs. Enjoy the picture!
From Jose Javier Valiente Dobon and Irene Zanon at LNL:
A video showing the progress of the AGATA installation at LNL during the time from 2021-03-10 to 2022-02-15. Link to the video.
A photo of 9 ATCs mounted on the array at LNL, taken 2022-04-23 and obtained from Jose Javier Valiente Dobon: photo.
AGATA equipment shipped from GANIL to LNL
AGATA equipment has been shipped from GANIL to LNL
The last experiment of the 2015-2021 AGATA campaign at GANIL ended 2021-07-05 06:30 CEST.
A truck has transported most of the AGATA equipment except the detectors from GANIL to LNL. See attached photos of the truck. The detectors are being sent to Mirion in Strasbourg for annealing.
NEDA@HIL Workshop
Dear Colleagues,
The neutron multiplicity filter NEDA will be installed at the Heavy Ion Laboratory, University of Warsaw, in conjunction with the local gamma-ray spectrometer EAGLE. The EAGLE-NEDA setup will be available for experiments for about a year, starting from the second half of 2022.
On 20-21 October 2021 a workshop aimed at the discussion of experimental projects employing this setup will be held in Warsaw. More information can be found at: http://slcj.uw.edu.pl/en/needle-workshop/.
We invite you to the workshop and encourage to submit experimental proposals. Interested people are encouraged to register.
Best regards,
Marcin Palacz and Grzegorz Jaworski.
AGATA 2π Mechanical Holding Structure
The AGATA 2π mechanical holding structure, that can hold 90 AGATA Triple Cryostats, was designed and built at STFC Daresbury. The holding structure was shipped from Daresbury and arrived to LNL 2021-10-12. It was then installed in front the PRISMA spectrometer. See attached photo and video from the installation.
AGATA@LNL Pre-PAC Workshop
Dear Colleagues,
Please find below the second circular of the AGATA Pre-PAC Workshop, to be held in Legnaro, at the LNL, on 8-10 November 2021.
The abstract submission is now open until 18 October 2021!!
More details are available at the website of the workshop:
Looking forward to seeing you in Legnaro!
Magda Zielinska and Jose Javier Valiente Dobon
AGATA@LNL Pre-PAC Workshop: first circular
Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached the announcement of the first Pre-PAC Workshop for the AGATA physics campaign at LNL. The workshop will take place on November 8-10th, 2021 at Legnaro Laboratory in Italy. More details are available at the website of the workshop:
Magda Zielinska and Jose Javier Valiente Dobon
AGATA Collaboration Meeting 2021
Dear Colleagues,
The annual AGATA collaboration meeting will be held at Legnaro National Laboratory on November 10-12, 2021, at the end of the Pre-PAC Workshop of AGATA@LNL (November 8-10).
The afternoon of November 10^th will be devoted to presentations on the status of the AGATA spectrometer and on the recent AGATA campaign at GANIL. This will be followed by short presentations on recent results and on the status of ongoing analyses of AGATA experiments.
The meeting will finish at lunch time on Friday November 12^th .
The yearly closed meeting of the AGATA Collaboration Council will take place on Thursday 11^th , late afternoon.
Details can be found at the web page of the collaboration meeting:
Best regards,
Silvia Leoni
AGATA Spokesperson and chair AGATA collaboration committee
AGATA Simulation Workshop
Dear All,
We are pleased to announce the AGATA Geant4 Simulations Workshop that will take place in Milan, Italy, on January 17-19, 2022. This workshop will comprise lectures and practical tutorials on Geant4 simulations tools for the the AGATA high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometer currently under installation at INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (Italy), to start the experimental activity there in 2022. There will be 2 main sessions to cover first basic Agata Simulations and then more advanced simulation with ancillary detectors.
Participants are asked to bring their own laptop for practical tutorials, instructions on needed software installation will be published on the indico webpage soon.
Depending on the evolution of the Covid situation some aspects of the workshop organization might change (extreme situation is a workshop done only remotely). We will inform all registered participants by e-mail of any changes and post them on this website.
Regarding general info about the workshop (e.g. lectures/tutorials/etc..) please write to: Marc Labiche.
Regarding practical info related to the local organization please write to: asws2022milan@lists.mi.infn.it.
The deadline for the registration is the 15th of December 2022.
Possible number of participants is limited.
Please visit the indico website of the event for registration and details:
Best Regards,
The Organizers
Marc Labiche
Benedicte Million
Eugenio Gamba
Fabio Crespi
Oliver Wieland
Rosa Perez
Simone Bottoni
22nd AGATA Week, 10 Years Celebration, Annual Collaboration Meeting
During the week 7-10 June 2022, the following meetings will take place at LNL in Italy:
- 22nd AGATA Week: Monday 7 June - Thursday 9 June 2022 (until lunch). Website: https://agenda.infn.it/event/30320/.
- Celebration of the 10 (+2) years of AGATA scientific activities: Thursday afternoon 9 June 2022. Website: https://agenda.infn.it/event/30956/.
- Annual Collaboration Meeting with the meeting of the AGATA Collaboration Council: Friday 10 June (until lunch). Website: https://agenda.infn.it/event/30927/.
AGATA 10 (+2) Years Celebration Slideshow
A link to the slideshow shown at the celebration can be found here: LINK.
Open PhD Position at IPHC
Message from Gilbert 2022-09-01
A platform has been opened for candidates to apply for the new PhD position at IPHC co-financed by MIRION for the development of a new concept of gamma-ray imager. The deadline for application is September 12 and the link is given below.
Message from Gilbert 2022-08-05
IPHC has an opened PhD position co-financed by Grand-Est region and MIRION for the development of a new concept of gamma-ray imager. The deadline for application is mid-september. However, the earliest application is the best.
Could you please distribute this PhD announcement in your university/institute and, if you are aware of a good student willing to work in a foreign country, please send him our PhD subject and my e-mail address.
Many thanks in advance
AGATA Physics Campaign at LNL: Second Pre-PAC Workshop
Website of the Workshop with some of the presentations
Here is the link to the website of the workshop:
Some of the presentations given at the workshop are available for download from the menu Timetable on that page.
Second circular: AGATA Campaign at LNL Second Pre-PAC Workshop
Dear all,
please find attached the second circular for the Second Pre-PAC Workshop AGATA
Campaign at LNL.
Jose Javier Valiente Dobon
Reminder: Second Pre-PAC Workshop for the AGATA physics campaign at LNL: October 5th-7th, 2022
Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the approaching deadline (September 21, 2022) for submission of Letters of Intent to be presented at the second Pre-PAC Workshop for the AGATA physics campaign at LNL. The workshop will take place on October 5-7th, 2022 at LNL. Additionally, in order to facilitate planning of a future AGATA campaign involving PRISMA at zero degrees, we are planning to organise a complementary half-day meeting in the morning of October 5 where ideas for such studies could be discussed.
The forthcoming LNL PAC meeting is scheduled for December 5-7th, 2022, and will evaluate experiments to be performed in the first half of 2023. During this period, beams from the full TANDEM-ALPI-PIAVE complex will be available at LNL, and AGATA is expected to consist of a minimum of 15 triple clusters (1p solid angle coverage).
The aim of the workshop is to assist the spokespersons in putting the strongest cases for their proposals forward through a discussion of the physics to be investigated, and to assess the feasibility of the proposed experiments. This includes all experiments planning to use stable beams from the Tandem-ALPI-PIAVE complex for studies involving AGATA in a possible combination with PRISMA and/or ancillary detectors that are compatible with PRISMA. We point out that all proposals using AGATA will have to be discussed at this workshop before being submitted to the LNL PAC. This applies also tothe projects that were discussed at the PAC meeting in February 2022, but have not been granted beamtime in 2022. By applying such a procedure, the collaboration hopes to avoid their potential overlaps with new projects.
You can find some technical information at:
For more details on the Workshop please see the First Circular attached below.
Magda Zielinska
Jose Javier Valiente Dobon
Second Pre-PAC Workshop for the AGATA physics campaign at LNL: October 5th-7th, 2022
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the second Pre-PAC Workshop for the AGATA physics campaign at LNL. The workshop will take place on October 5-7th, 2022 at LNL.
Workshop website: https://agenda.infn.it/event/31038/.
The forthcoming LNL PAC meeting is scheduled for December 5-7th, 2022, and will evaluate experiments to be performed in the first half of 2023. During this period, beams from the full TANDEM-ALPI-PIAVE complex will be available at LNL, and AGATA is expected to consist of a minimum of 15 triple clusters (1π solid angle coverage).
The aim of the workshop is to assist the spokespersons in putting the strongest cases for their proposals forward through a discussion of the physics to be investigated, and to assess the feasibility of the proposed experiments. This includes all experiments planning to use stable beams from the Tandem-ALPI-PIAVE complex for studies involving AGATA in a possible combination with PRISMA and/or ancillary detectors that are compatible with PRISMA. We point out that all proposals using AGATA will have to be discussed at this workshop before being submitted to the LNL PAC. This applies also to the projects that were discussed at the PAC meeting in February 2022, but have not been granted beam time in 2022. By applying such a procedure, the collaboration hopes to avoid their potential overlaps with new projects.
For more details on the Workshop, including the registration and LoI submission deadlines, please see the First Circular attached to this email.
Magda Zielinska
Jose Javier Valiente Dobon
AGATA Monitoring Tool
AGATA Monitoring Tool
A description of how to access the AGATA Monitoring Tool is available on this page:
A description of how to access the AGATA ELOG servers is available on this page:
Workshops for the AGATA Physics Campaign at LNL
Second Circular
Dear all,
Please find attached the second circular for the Third Pre-Pac Workshop and the Zero-Degree Workshop at LNL (April 19-21, 2023).
Please note that the deadline for Letters of Intent has been extended to April 12.
All the best,
Magda Zielinska
Jose Javier Valiente Dobon
First Circular
See attached file below.
Data analysis workshop
Dear collaborators,
The next AGATA Analysis workshop will be held at LNL from 10th to 15th of September. It aims to help any user that will have to handle AGATA data taken during the last Legnaro campain with the analysis and software of the collaboration.
The registrations are already opened on the indigo web page:
The organizers, on behalf of the Data analysis working group
Pre-PAC Workshop
Second circular
Dear Colleagues,
Please find in attachment the Second Circular of the AGATA Pre-PAC Workshop, to be held in Legnaro, at the LNL, on 2-3 October 2023.
The deadline for REGISTRATION is 28th of September!
Looking forward to seeing you in Legnaro!
Magda Zielinska
Jose Javier Valiente Dobon
First circular
Dear Colleagues,
Please find in attachment the First Circular of the AGATA Pre-PAC Workshop, to be held in Legnaro, at the LNL, on 2-4 October 2023.
The abstract submission is now open until 11th of September!
Looking forward to seeing you in Legnaro!
Magda Zielinska
Jose Javier Valiente Dobon
23rd AGATA Week and 14th Annual Collaboration Meeting
The 23rd AGATA week and the 14th annual meeting of the AGATA collaboration will be held 16-20 October 2023 at INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro in Italy.
Details of the event can be found here: https://agenda.infn.it/event/36366/.
Topical Issue in EPJA
AGATA Topical Issue in EPJA
In the series Topical Issues published by the European Physical Journal A, this issue is devoted to AGATA:
AGATA: Advancements in Science and Technology
Guest editors: Nicolas Alamanos, Maria Jose Garcia Borge, Angela Bracco, Emmanuel Clement, Andres Gadea, Wolfram Korten, Silvia Leoni and John Simpson.
Some of the articles are already online in this issue, others will follow shortly.
Pre-PAC Workshop at LNL
First Circular
Dear Colleagues,
please find in attachments the First Circular of the AGATA Pre-PAC Workshop, where there will be a
session dedicated to the physics opportunities with uranium beams, to be held in Legnaro, at the
LNL, on 13-14 May 2024.
The LoI submission is now open until 22nd of April!
Looking forward to seeing you in Legnaro!
Magda Zielinska
Jose Javier Valiente Dobon
Physics Workshop at GANIL
Dear all
We are pleased to announce that the AGATA collaboration is organizing a one-day workshop at GANIL (May 22) to discuss plans to host AGATA for the second time by the end of the decade. The workshop is a satellite event of the LISE workshop (https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/32295/).
The aim of this discussion day is to propose and discuss with the community scientific topics that could be proposed for the GANIL campaign. The AGATA steering committee has begun the process of defining the future host laboratories for the next 5 years. The results of the workshop will be used to defend the GANIL proposal.
The workshop is open to the international community wishing to use the instrument at GANIL.
Remote participation will be possible.
For more information on the AGATA project: https://www.agata.org/
The indico workshop website is open for registration: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/32436/
The agenda will be drawn up on the basis of the (short) abstracts submitted.
Registration for both events is highly recommended.
Best Regards
24th AGATA week and annual collaboration meeting
Dear AGATA collaborators,
We are pleased to announce the next AGATA week in Milan (Italy) from 9th to 12th September 2024 (from noon to noon).
The indico is online
and registrations are open.
The annual AGATA Collaboration Meeting will also be held in Milan (Italy) from 12th to 13th September 2024 (noon to noon).
The first circular is available at the following address
https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/32956/attachments/84860/127073/First Circular.pdf
Looking forward to seeing you in Milan.
B. Million, S. Leoni, A. Bassi, G. Corbari, M. Luciani for the Local Organising Committee and E. Clément on behalf of the AGATA Management Board
Pre-PAC Workshop at LNL
First Circular
Dear Colleagues,
Please find in attachments the First Circular of the sixth AGATA Pre-PAC Workshop to be held in Legnaro, at the LNL, on 18-19 November 2024.
The LoI submission is now open until 8th of November!
Looking forward to seeing you in Legnaro!
Magda Zielinska
Jose Javier Valiente Dobon
4th AGATA-GRETINA/GRETA collaboration meeting
Dear colleagues,
We are excited to announce the upcoming 4th AGATA-GRETINA/GRETA collaboration meeting, set to take place at Argonne National Lab from November 20th to 22nd, 2024.
The meeting will be devoted to discussions addressing our common challenges related to AGATA/GRETA tracking arrays. Topics to be explored include the
physics, technical details, and data analysis methodologies, with a special emphasis on exploring new tools integrating Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial
Intelligence (AI) techniques Registration is now open! Please visit the following link to secure your participation:
The program is currently in development, and we will provide timely updates as they become available.
Warm regards,
Amel and Torben
On behalf of the Organizing Committee
AGATA Analysis School 2025
Dear AGATA collaborators,
The next AGATA Analysis workshop will be held at the Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon from 13th to 17th of January 2025. During the workshop the techniques for data analysis of the experiments of the LNL campaign will be illustrated and the participants will have hands on practice on the data. It is very important that the people responsible for data analysis have a good overview of the entire AGATA workflow and the tools and methods to be applied to obtain data of the quality that AGATA deserves.
The registrations are still opened up to the 20th of December on the indico web page: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/34092/overview
The organizers, on behalf of the Data analysis working group
AGATA GANIL2.0 Workshop
The AGATA European Tracking array will be hosted at the GANIL Facility in 2029 and 2030, with a possible extension in 2031. The primary objective is an experimental campaign using a 2π AGATA coupled to GRIT, a 4π silicon array for light charged particle spectroscopy, and the high acceptance VAMOS magnetic spectrometer.
The present meeting aims at defining more precisely the physics objectives with the goal of editing a white book to prepare the campaign. The workshop will also include technical aspects with discussion on the detection systems geometries, constrains, front end electronic and software. The management of the campaign will be also introduced.
For further information, please visit the workshop website:
25th AGATA Week and Annual AGATA Collaboration Meeting
Dear AGATA collaborators,
The next AGATA Week and the Annual AGATA Collaboration Meeting will be held at GSI (Germany) September 15 to 19, 2025.
The program will be similar to the previous editions (see: https://www.agata.org/agata_weeks/)
Emmanuel on the behalf of the AMB