Testing ab initio nuclear structure in neutron-rich nuclei: Lifetime measurements of second 2+ state in 16O and 20O

TitleTesting ab initio nuclear structure in neutron-rich nuclei: Lifetime measurements of second 2+ state in 16O and 20O
Publication TypeJournal Article
AuthorsCiemała, M, Ziliani, S, Crespi, FCL, Leoni, S, Fornal, B, Maj, A, Bednarczyk, P, Benzoni, G, Bracco, A, Boiano, C, Bottoni, S, Brambilla, S, Bast, M, Beckers, M, Braunroth, T, Camera, F, Cieplicka-Oryńczak, N, Clément, E, Coelli, S, Dorvaux, O, Ertürk, S, de France, G, Fransen, C, Goldkuhle, A, Grębosz, J, Harakeh, MN, Iskra, ŁW, Jacquot, B, Karpov, A, Kicińska-Habior, M, Kim, Y, Kmiecik, M, Lemasson, A, Lenzi, SM, Lewitowicz, M, Li, H, Matea, I, Mazurek, K, Michelagnoli, C, Matejska-Minda, M, Million, B, Müller-Gatermann, C, Nanal, V, Napiorkowski, P, Napoli, DR, Palit, R, Rejmund, M, Schmitt, C, Stanoiu, M, Stefan, I, Vardaci, E, Wasilewska, B, Wieland, O, Zieblinski, M, Zielińska, M, Ataç, A, Barrientos, D, Birkenbach, B, Boston, AJ, Cederwall, B, Charles, L, Collado, J, Cullen, DM, Désesquelles, P, Domingo-Pardo, C, Dudouet, J, Eberth, J, González, V, Goupil, J, Harkness-Brennan, LJ, Hess, H, Judson, DS, Jungclaus, A, Korten, W, Labiche, M, Lefevre, A, Menegazzo, R, Mengoni, D, Nyberg, J, Perez-Vidal, RM, Podolyák, Z, Pullia, A, Recchia, F, Reiter, P, Saillant, F, Salsac, MD, Sanchis, E, Stezowski, O, Theisen, C, Valiente-Dobón, JJ, Holt, JD, Menéndez, J, Schwenk, A, Simonis, J
JournalPhysical Review C
Month Published02
Type of WorkAGATA Physics Publication (with core authors)
ISSN Number2469-9985

Published: 2020-02-27

Citation Key360
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